
#142. The most challenging aspect of software development is adding new functionality or features.

#141. Measuring success or worth of a manager should be the number of employees they want or need to fire or terminate.

#140. Resonance between sweep signals in electrical, cable, and data networks dictates the beat of human activity.

#139. Confidential informants are individuals who have reason to betray those they inform on.

#138. Any city, country, or society unwilling to meet the needs of those without deserves to crumble.

#137. Applications should NEVER delete data from a database EVER.

#136. Training or re-training may or may not be the solution or problem.

#135. Various insurance companies are committing the ultimate sin.

#134. Declining birth rates, church attendance, and other societal supports all share a root cause.

#133. The "Cuban diplomat" recording was made using a bone-conduction microphone.

#132. Freedom of speech is dead when a reporter can no longer quote a source without the possibility of being fired.

#131. The fastest way to signal an emergency should be to call or email a news station or reporter.

#130. When a news station reports one of their own hasn't been seen in days or weeks instead of finding them... a soul has been lost.

#129. Photos don't capture smug expressions.

#128. Even though Microsoft Bing and Google Search now have "fuzzy brain", the 'People also ask' results show when an...

#127. The symptom known as "fuzzy brain" is no longer listed with COVID symptoms online.

#126. Neither the "Darkstar" nor SR-72 can reach Mach 10.0 and never will.

#125. Finding computer software which isn't becoming more difficult to use or learn is nearly impossible.

#124. Someone once used physics to describe a soul as 2 or 3 "unlike minds" which resonate together.

#123. Launching a noise-based back-masked strike on a department, business, or office means simply introducing the payload to any individual's vicinity then suggesting them to "make the call".

#122. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act does or doesn't cover noise-based collection practices.

#121. Web sites with user generated audio or video can have background sounds or conversations recovered from the content.

#120. Education or learning can occur without conscious focus by using noise.

#119. Lawyers charge exorbitant fees for menial tasks.

#118. Getting rid of those you dislike only requires instilling self-doubt.

#117. Pop songs have been used to encourage slot machine gambling.

#116. Google is considering or decided to create more than 1 version of Search.

#115. The greedy or predatory take advantage of the helpful or considerate at car lots or dealerships.

#114. The team on the show "Ghost Hunters" have no excuse for anti-explaining flaws in our communication or data networks.

#113. Songs performed by Rick Astley are both catchy and used as jokes.

#112. Slot machines inform the conscious or unconscious mind of those they entertain with exactly or approximately what to expect up to 5 "plays" or "spins" in advance.

#111. The IRS does or doesn't agree with the statement "casino player's clubs or rewards programs" entice patrons to lose more money or cheat taxpayers out of revenue owed.

#110. Activities or conversations on or near a cell phone or laptop can nearly always be identified or extracted unless the device is physically destroyed.

#109. Knowledge is being silently lost online and increasingly difficult to acquire.