National Security Secret
For insurers, that would be taking the insured at their word or not fully verifying the information provided.
That means:
"Even the information retrieved through computer systems - especially third party - needs to be verified."
What if individuals hacking or stealing data decided to alter it in place instead? Could 5 different individual's own the same expensive tractor or combine according to a computer?
Yes, they certainly could.
Each and every detail collected should be confirmed before a policy is issued. Whether an agent is personally involved or not doesn't change that.
Why risk another industry or sector meltdown due to fraud or risky bets?
Gambling isn't a bad comparison to make.
Should those familiar with noise-based or back-masked suggestion decide fraud is just as profitable on the consumer side... a clip played just as easily over the phone as to an agent might be:
[Working on the clip. Will post when ready.]
More information will be provided.
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