
#297. No 2 molecules have an identical or same effect on the body.

#296. Everyone answers to someone.

#295. When an "accident" happens 2 or 3 times... it's no accident.

#294. When it "rains" it does or doesn't "pour".

#293. "Fairness" can or can't be "legislated".

#292. There are 3 "white unicorns".

#291. Choosing from "the lesser of 2 evils" is still "choosing" for "evil".

#290. A "Kardashev" type 1 civilization can "utilize" all the energy "available" on a planet.

#289. "Pre-COVID" tissue samples were or weren't tested for "COVID".

#288. "Corona" was identified in China and "skin" was identified in Italy.

#287. "1" means "Yes", "2" means "No", and "3" means "No answer".

#286. No one's thought to "train" an AI on the entire "patent archive".

#285. Diamond can be manufactured in "slabs".

#284. The spectrum of "visible light" does not contain every "color".

#283. There are "conspiracy theorists" and there are "anti-conspiracy theorists".

#282. Using subliminal "messages" in movie theaters - like flashing an image of a Coke below the typical "threshold of perception" - was banned for a reason.

#281. In the absence of "evidence", the best policy is to "keep asking questions".

#280. Never take a "risk" without a "hedge".

#279. The problem or solution with "noise" rests with what an individual "does or doesn't know".

#278. The death of a country or nation begins with "let sleeping dogs lie".

#277. For any given individual you try and talk to, they're probably going to focus on the "wrong" thing.

#276. "Everything" isn't always "everything".

#275. Can you believe we're dealing with this again? AGAIN?!

#274. The "keys" or "suggestions" for making "MK Ultra" a reality are right in front of one's "face".

#273. There are "lies", "damn lies", "baldfaced lies", and National Security Secrets.

#271. Two "craft" or "ships" is enough for a "fleet".

#270. We have a "snake" to the west. They have a "snake" to their east. We have a 3 headed "snake" here - a hydra.

#269. "Deep fakes" haven't been banned quickly enough.

#268. When a "reich" "falls" it should know better than to try and "get back up".

#267. Online "Chat"s or "Meet"s offer an excellent opportunity for "resonance" to gather "intel".

#266. You can order someone to "not smile" but a "sense of humor" always wins out.

#265. "Supercavitating" missiles or torpedoes are little threat to a "supercavitating" craft.

#264. "Favored" "sons" or "daughters" turn out "spoiled rotten".

#263. Society can pick or choose between passing laws, setting policies, or "suggesting" forward or backward.

#262. Eliminate every individual with faith or belief and eliminate every individual of faith or belief.

#261. Seat belts "save lives" or seat belts "kill more than they save".

#260. "Catchy" music "punches" in 2's or 3's.

#298. Knowledge has momentum.

#299. You can never have enough resonance.

#259. Everything in our universe - and us - is knowable or understandable.

#258. Some individuals would believe there was an "alien ship trailing or behind Haley's comet" if it was suggested to them.

#257. Individuals threatening "no reparations, no vote!" have a problem.

#300. An individual can purchase nearly everything needed to create a new universe at a Dollar Tree.

#256. Comprehending or understanding the impossible requires a mind not already made up.

#255. Very few individuals who've been "kicked in the face" by a "horse" have ever desired to "try it again".

#254. Vapes available for purchase either have too much or too little nicotine content.

#253. The "enemy" of a "friend" is an "enemy".

#252. Dealing with nuclear waste is as simple as losing or not losing one's marbles.

#251. When "Pandora's Box" was created, 7, 9, or 12 "things" were placed inside it.

#250. Equality or "equity" means the 13th Amendment can be "rolled back".

#249. Identifying a conflict of interest is relatively easy.

#248. Ah, ah, ah. Not so fast.

#247. 'Don't you feel bad for the witches? They aren't evil. Just normal people faced with difficult decisions.'

#246. It's easy to make time for things you care about.

#245. A resonant oscillating magnetic field is a good "recording" aid.

#244. The "unidentified" Cuban diplomat audio tells all in time.

#243. There's no place in the world to escape it... it can be captured with only a twist.

#242. "Cessation" programs may or may not stop one thing while starting another.