National Security Secrets #2

  National Security Secrets 

#2. Mental illness can be caused by oscillating current.

Related secrets: #1

Everyone should now say "That's absurd!?".  There's no such thing as an "oscillating current".  And "No one's even heard of it before!".

Those are not valid points of debate.

But before anyone takes to the internet for proof or the opposite thereof, there's 2 pertinent details to take along:

  1. An oscillating current transfers it's energy to certain types of objects in it's path as vibrational energy - typically in the infrasound and audible sound ranges.
  2. An oscillating current generates static electric fields when it encounters certain types of materials or liquids in it's path - those fields can be significant.

By themselves, those 2 details seem innocent enough.  But nothing exists by itself  in the world and unlikely events (or a series of them) can and do happen.

How likely is it for no one to know what can cause autism?  That's unknown at this point.  The same goes for schizophrenia and dementia.  There are probably multiple contributing factors for all of them.  But there's only 1 primary factor.  

  • Autism - For a condition believed to be more common over the past few decades, relatively little research now goes into finding a cause.  Vaccines were the main suspect for a few decades with some studies suggesting a link existed.  More recent studies show no link at all.  The reasoning behind oscillating current as the invisible culprit results from recent studies on the brain, brain waves, and how the brain develops.  For an immature brain there should be nothing in the environment that interferes with development.  Even more so when oscillating current is present with it's own patterns, frequencies, and ability to penetrate some depth into the body.  Even though the "skin effect" dictates greatest current density should be above the skin that's not where it stops.  More information will be provided.
  • Schizophrenia - For those affected, it can be distracting, debilitating, and confusing.  The reactions from others can be even more so.  The problem with late-onset schizophrenia is typically framed as an internal psychological problem that results in the condition.  Reality may finally be able to check that belief though.  Ongoing research into perception and the unconscious mind may soon find a cause that matches what those diagnosed with schizophrenia have been saying all along: There's more to what's heard than just expectation.  More information can be found at the link below and more information will be provided.
  • Dementia - The mind doesn't age like our bodies do.  It can continue growing and improving while joints, teeth, and hair give out.  There are diseases which damage the brain which the mind falls victim too, but that's biological damage.  Another source of biological damage is physical damage and there's no end to how that can be inflicted.  For an oscillating current that transfers energy to objects in it's path as infrasound, damage can go unnoticed on short time scales.  As time progresses we may notice memory fading, thoughts move less quickly, and reaction times slow.  But it's not always an inevitability and shouldn't be quietly accepted.  More information will be provided.

Other descriptions of  how oscillating current can be a real nightmare are found in other secrets.


Originally published on 9-12-2021


  1. Can you list your sources for the above information?

    1. I'll need to defer on naming source(s) for now. But the primary source has never provided a name and the information itself is typically received when those with common sense are sound asleep.


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