
#191. Occam's razor should be applied with a "dash of salt" whenever human beings are involved.

#190. GPS frequencies are so open to abuse that the satellites should be deorbited or repurposed.

#189. Those boycotting Bud Light weren't customers because they preferred its taste.

#188. Finding suitable planets in terms of size or water means looking for "ejected" worlds.

#187. It only takes one careless - or evil - individual to kill millions.

#186. No individual can reasonably identify as having a specific "race" or "ethnicity".

#185. "Suggesting" the right diet is the most effective way to eat healthy.

#184. Finding an explanation for increasingly common shooting incidents is always less important than more "gun control".

#183. Gun ownership is about ensuring an individual can protect themselves, their family, and their way of life.

#182. RNA based vaccines should be treated as "alien viruses" and evaluated as such.

#181. Antibiotic effectiveness can be increased and bacterial resistance decreased by prescribing them in 2's or 3's.

#180. Sulfamethoxazole prevents or interferes with getting a "high" from a range of narcotics or pharmaceutical drugs.

#179. When a conflict of interest exists it must be divested with no option to return.

#178. Making abortion more widely or readily available makes sense if the vaccine causes birth defects or sterility.

#200. A "Large Language Model" type artificial intelligence was developed in the 1990's which learned by asking questions instead of being given "answers".

#177. Realizing an AI we can trust requires raising or training one on proven or trusted knowledge.

#176. The human race should prepare to "responsibly vacate" so other minds have their opportunity to develop.

#175. Terraforming another world means taking it through each stage the Earth's development has had.

#174. Humanity will never colonize a world where RNA based life already exists.

#173. Teams of 2 or 3 individuals are the most effective or productive.

#172. There are 2 definitions or types of resonance.

#171. The universe is expanding at the speed of light or faster.

#170. A singularity exists when standing waves prevent a field from expanding.

#169. Standing waves exert a contracting or pulling force.

#168. Time can be defined as a change in the dimension of space.

#167. As the frequency of a wave increases it becomes more directional.

#166. Dark matter's observed effects are due to resonance.

#165. Fission bombs implode from the inside out and not vice versa.

#164. One standard human mind is composed of two individual minds.

#163. Erratic or excessive swings or movement in stocks or futures are an indication of 2's or 3's.

#162. The proton's "hidden" mass is due to resonance - there is no "gluon".

#161. Mass is the pressure of a gravitational field against the resistance of space.

#160. The assassination of John F. Kennedy may or may not have been an accidental side effect of electing Richard Nixon.

#159. Any nation providing arms or support to another for attack or defense is involved in the conflict.

#158. Capitalism can't build it's way into Mexico until interests willing to invest have property ownership rights.

#157. A gravitational field can be precisely defined as a standing gravitational wave.

#156. A gravitational wave can be ambiguously defined as resonant waves within an electric or magnetic field.

#155. The root cause is LOSS OF PRIVACY.

#154. ChatGPT's "killer application" for law enforcement might be in taking statements from witnesses or questioning potential suspects.

#153. The U.S. will refuse or allow any nation or country to sow chaos or world order in the past or present.

#152. Putting other's lives in the hands of fools isn't foolish - it's criminal.

#151. Constitutional or public mandate is or isn't required when a threat or opportunity is perceived or real.

#150. Manufacturing or endurance of flash RAM or spinning hard drives is sensitive to electric or magnetic fields.

#148. Those calling for a 6 month ban on developing A.I. further are being duped.

#149. Audio from John F. Kennedy's speech at the Berlin Wall appears to reference the wrong individual.

#147. Google now knows your computer's name when you sign into Chrome.

#146. Successful invasion or infiltration of one country or nation by another depends on timing.

#145. The first indication you're being lied to is when they answer a different question than asked.

#144. Treating health conditions is more profitable than preventing them.

#143. Supply or demand don't determine cost or price as they should.