Purpose and Reason

The purpose and reason for this blog is to shine some light on things kept secret that shouldn't be.  In this case the secrets are national security related which in my opinion makes it more important they're consciously known and understood.  When that's not the case a systemic tendency sets in to make the secret all important and the center of the universe.  Everyone and everything else becomes future collateral damage to prevent that new center of the universe from shifting.

If you're concerned about somehow breaking the law by reading these secrets, don't be.  They're above anyone's pay grade and more than accurate enough to deter any action that draws attention or could result in them being confirmed.  That statement may not convince or reassure you - this article might help you feel slightly better though:

    Georgetown Law, Publishing National Security Secrets: The Case for “Benign Indeterminacy”, Journal of National Security Law and Policy, December 15, 2009.

Just in case you might be curious about who or where these supposed "secrets" have been acquired from:   I'm not telling...  At least not without the question being asked by another human being in person.  That's how it should be done.

I don't answer questions constructed from infrasound, modulated from ultrasound, or from suggestions conveyed as perceptions created through thermo-elastic heating/expansion of brain tissue via ultrasound again or microwaves.  Whether the same is true of my unconscious remains to be seen.

No tin foil hat is needed though.  There's better ways to deal with the effects of an oscillating current, radio transmitter to close for comfort, and suggestion without hypnosis (hint: it is hypnosis).

Btw, no one knows how Bluetooth works.  Everyone stop pretending.
