#185. "Suggesting" the right diet is the most effective way to eat healthy.

   National Security Secret  

#185. "Suggesting" the right diet is the most effective way to eat healthy.

Let's review how that works:

  1. Every so often, abstain from eating on a fast (consult your doctor).
  2. Break the fast with 1 or 2 bananas.
    • Personally, we find them disgusting but that's no excuse.
  3. Finally, eat a meal consisting of the types of foods you plan or want to be eating.
    • You're suggesting to yourself what to find appetizing.
    • Doing that while hungry works better than full.
    • Don't you dare eat a candy bar or drink a soda at this point.
    • That's what everyone else does when hungry or "starving" and it's backward.

We don't consider this so much a diet as a "best appetite ever".

More information will be provided.

Originally posted on 04-29-2023 @ 06:06 PM
