National Security Secret
#134. Declining birth rates, church attendance, and other societal supports all share a root cause.
Related secrets: #91 #97 #100 #113 #115 #117 #121 #123
Would you believe pornography shares it as well? Some see it as a root cause. They're correct, only backward.
Humorously enough, the CIA has known exactly what's been contributing to the countries collapse but chosen to remain silent.
We don't find that very funny, actually.
They were CIA pet projects which developed noise-based and back-masked techniques into something able to transform societies. Prior to that were seemingly accidental instances of "Satan" turning up in the reverse side of music.
That it was abandoned and the knowledge buried shouldn't be a surprise. The human mind doesn't like being told what to do or think. Anger or resentment builds each or every time it takes place.
Does that sound somewhat familiar?
The inevitable and fully justified result are individuals who rampage or lash at without thinking or considering their actions.
Does that sound familiar?
The "workaround" turned out to be a game. More than just one type of game if you want to get personal.
But that's not the worst part. Using noise-based suggestion in a developed nation with wireless communication means it never stops once set in motion.
At least that excuse has been used to justify "letting it run it's course" so far. Even though it was apparently used by someone as the ultimate prank against those they hated - the Christians.
Can that be proven?
I'm afraid so. And very soon each and every part of our government and industry is going to be taken apart and rebuilt because of that.
Not to find out who was responsible. They left their name(s) in the suggestions used for everyone to marvel at in fear or wonder.
The "illuminated" or "illuminati".
One has to pick or choose.
More information will be provided.
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