#100. Documents are so "old fashioned".

  National Security Secrets    

 CONTENT UPDATED on 02-16-2023 @ 12:58 PM 

#100. Documents are so "old fashioned". 

Related secrets: #97

Information of use: Device displays

Aren't they?

They can be copied or stolen or hidden away to turn up inconveniently in the future.  So audio was used instead.  Not just any audio either - it's encrypted and encoded in a way as basic as physics itself.

An individual in possession of a partial copy in collaboration with another who specializes in acoustics and noise have provided these details:

  • The format is progressive audio.
  • It's encoded as multiple or overlapping audio streams within a single file or clip.
  • The information is stored multiple times for redundancy or backup.
  • Error correction is provided by storing the information in the reverse (backward) and again in the opposite (forward) in parallel using a mirrored or seemingly contradictory encoding.   *02-16-2023
  • The streams are separated using negative noise or noise frequency ranges.
  • It's encrypted without using an encryption key.
  • Decrypting it involves applying basic physics principles in an intuitively backward way.

This may be one of the most safe, secure, and paranoid methods of protecting information... until it's discovered.

 *02-16-2023 (edits below) 

Consider a purely hypothetical situation where an unknown entity wishes to pass information without using documents.  The message they wish to pass is:

  • "No one take off their masks."

The message would then be encoded as:

  • "Everyone put on your gloves."

The audio stream would be constructed with the "gloves" version stored within one or more noise frequency ranges (backward in the audio) and the "masks" version encoded in one or more different frequency ranges (forward in the audio).

Whether that explains the mysterious instruction to "wear gloves" in the early advice given by the CDC...

We leave that determination untouched for now.

More information will be provided.

Originally posted on 02-14-2023 @ 02:59 PM
Updated on 02-14-2023 @ 05:27 PM
Updated on 02-16-2023 @ 12:58 PM
