Preventing harm from devices with a display

How to prevent a device with a display from causing:

  • Headaches.
  • Blurry vision while using the device.
  • Permanent vision loss from use of the device.
  • Aneurysm or damage to the brain itself from local heating.
  • Difficulty hearing conversations while at or using the device.
  • Permanent hearing loss.
  • Loss of focus or concentration.
  • Begin speaking to oneself when they hadn't prior.
  • Tendency to answer out loud to questions not asked.

Please note: The FDA has not evaluated that statement though we wouldn't trust their assessment if it did.

Should an individual have experienced those symptoms or seen them in others they may have concerns.  The device shown should alleviate each of those when the cause is resonant sound building up or directed outward from the device's display.

That bit of encouragement comes with a warning:  Use it too often and the devices wireless antenna function may be impaired or broken entirely.  So keep it as far away from the device's antenna as possible or scale down the "L" bracket or size of the magnet which attached to the back of the device's display.  Fair enough?

There are a few components which make up the apparatus.  It's overall appearance is crude and ungainly but we can assure you... having to use a laptop or cell phone should be significantly more comforting or relaxing.

Apparatus for redirecting or grounding a static field:

Image 1.1 - Device is placed on the back of the display as far from the antenna as possible.

  • Image 1.2 - Close up of device and placement.

  • Image 1.3 - Back view of laptop and device.  Note the power cord runs over and on the device.  This also prevents leakage through the charger from reaching the display.
  • The device is likely over-built but the principal "better safe than sorry" is the reason.  The parts list is:
    • 4 neodymium magnets
      • 2" x 1" x 1/2" N52
      • Expect to pay between $7 and $12 each.  Don't pay $15 unless there's no other option.
    • 1 "L" bracket 2" x 1 1/2" - large enough for 1 of the neodymium magnets to be placed on completely within the edges.
    • 3 "L" brackets 1" x 1" - for holding together the resonating and oscillating magnetic.
    • 1 "world's smallest slinky".
    • 1 miniature wireframe trash can either painted or enameled.

  • The most complicated part is the resonating and oscillating magnetic field for sinking or grounding static electric fields.  Don't worry about it trying to slowly come apart - it's supposed to behave that way.  That's what makes a continuously oscillating magnetic field possible from permanent magnets.

Please leave a comment if you give this a try or find it helps in any way.  Either way:

More information will be provided.

Originally posted on 02-14-2023 @ 05:25 PM
