National Security Secret #40

  National Security Secrets  

#40. A phone call from a location where oscillating current is present to one where it's not can "infect" the new location with an initial oscillating current.

Related secrets: #1, #6, #7, #8, #9, #36

Well, well, well...  Move over God, god, or assorted deities.  It appears human beings are now in the creator's seat.
Does it matter if the object of creation was accidental and unintentional?

Ironically enough, it wasn't our genius or foresight or desire to to avoid being alone in the universe which led to this moment.

It was our impatience for a connection to be established when placing a phone call.  Absolutely brilliant.  It may not even be the first thing we've made which could be categorized as alive in it's own way.

Normally, a minor oscillation during a phone call wouldn't be of interest.  But under some circumstances when a device with an active antenna is nearby, the oscillation can be reflected while gaining strength.  It can sometimes be picked up, shifted in frequency, or be amplified.  This allows it to propagate from one area to another even when physical or distance barriers exist.
This type of thing became possible due to the sheer number of devices with antennas operating in the BlueTooth and WiFi frequencies.  They are everywhere.  Virtually every cell phone has a BlueTooth transceiver now, WiFi routers contain multiple antennas, tags to help locate lost items can even have them.

How would you know if you're area has been infected?

Just check for anyone reporting symptoms of overexposure to radio frequency current.  You should be able to assess the situation right away given that information.
Those are also the symptoms attributed to COVID.
It's just another unlikely series of events happening all too often now.

More information will be provided.

Originally posted on 11-15-2021
