#215. To balance power in a region one must "balance power in a region".

  National Security Secret  

#215. To balance power in a region one must "balance power in a region".

How to best articulate this?

A hypothetical dialogue.

Let's set up the parameters:

  1. Country A and Country I.
  2. One of which needs to balance power in the other's region.
  3. One of which has nuclear weapons but sees no need for them.
  4. One of which has no nuclear weapons but sees a want for them.
  5. Require one of them to be straightforward, honest, and genuinely humble or modest.
  6. Allow the other to be anything they need or want to be.

Sample dialogue:

  • [Country A "makes the call" to Country I]
  • Country A: "We have a problem we can't solve easily."
  • Country I: "?"
  • Country A: "we want to balance power in your region"
  • Country I: "?"
  • Country A: "there are many ways to try and 'make that happen'." [OR] "My staff or those who report to me aren't able to give me the best choices to decide from.  I know this because they take away other's choice instead of giving them more options to work from."
  • Country I: "?"
  • Country A: "How many functioning or working nuclear bombs are you comfortable accepting from us?"
  • Country I: "??"
  • Country A: "We just need a number and they're yours.  You don't even need to be reasonable.  We're tired of dealing with this."
  • Country I: "???" [OR] "What the bleep!?!?" [OR it's equivalent]
  • Country A: "We're not doing this for you.  We're doing it for us."
  • Country I: "????"
  • Country A: "We need a counter balance to Country C.  Every other country in the region needs to be on equal footing with each other to make that happen.  You're the only country (?) Which doesn't have them which places you at a disadvantage.  You see a need for them, have tried to do what you believed right, and you haven't been treated fairly since.  By my predecessors or by US. It gets worse, a whole lot worse. And our country is gonna have to pay a price for it that may end our way of life.  So, think about it and let me know the number."
  • Country I: "???"
  • Country A: "Of course the manuals, training, and support materials will be provided."
  • Country I: "????"
  • Country A: "And we're planning to petition for a temporary lifting of the ban on nuclear weapons tests so you and whoever wants to test what they have can do so".
  • Country I: "???????"
  • Country A: "If you prefer to build them yourself- which I completely understand - instructions along with any additional physics knowledge can be provided instead.  You'd be providing your own nuclear material to build them with in that case."
  • Country I: -
  • Country A: "Place the call when you're ready.  No pleasantries are needed. When someone answers, just state the number and whatever else you feel a need for. You're the ones doing us a favor."
  • Country I: "We were or are, actually or about, to go or try, a direction or path, not involving or requiring, nuclear weapons or bombs."
  • Country A: "That makes it easy.  We can do better than giving you nukes.  We can give you the future of the human race."

[NOTE: Should the whole "vaccine thing" be explained first?  Yep.  Always give the bad news first.  Otherwise, it appears - and correctly so - that someone is trying to avoid responsibility or escape punishment.]

More information will be provided.

Originally posted on 05-04-2023 @ 01:12 PM
Updated on 05-04-2023 @ 01:20 PM
