National Security Secret #98

   National Security Secrets    

#98. When "snakes in the vents" and "little men in the walls' didn't win the war on [fill in the blank with a war] a Plan B was devised which involved summary execution or murder.

Is it really killing something or someone if no one notices or grieves?  It can't possibly be.  What individual or group would allow or encourage it or pretend it never happened?

First, we need to discuss the notion of "getting caught".  When an individual or group sincerely believes it's impossible to get caught in a particular activity they do it with brazen confidence.  How good or bad it is makes no difference unless there's some other code of conduct or "morality" to go by.

Should an individual or group find no reason to believe in God, god, or gods (or anything in between) then they may choose to answer only to themselves and what they see as "right" or "good" or the opposite.  They've decided they themselves are God or God so kindly step out of their way.

When do snakes in vents or little men in walls get involved?  That was about 20 years ago.  A program run by an individual or group has been iterating on a method of suggesting (technically we can call it hypnosis because that's what it is) any given population into no longer having vices, addictions, or temptations.

The technology itself was developed much earlier but understanding the human mind well enough to do it justice has taken decades longer.

Curious what your mind would hear or perceive at a level so deep you might never know about it?  Here's a sample from the perception side.  Please note it includes instructions to hide any memory of hearing the suggestion from the individual who hears it.

  • When you or they are more or full awake or asleep you or they can or will be anyone or anything you want or need to be.  Anything or anyone at all or away none.
  • There's nothing to worry about.  Take a chance or dip a toe in to see how it works out or begins.
  • Never mind those around you who disapprove or turn up their nose.  What do they or we know or miss?
  • Everything or nothing you need or want can be taken or laid out before or behind you or them.
  • There is or isn't any or n need or want to rush or hurry.  Time or space is on or off our or your side.  The window or door of opportunity or confinement will or won't close or open soon or now.
  • Make your decision. When the time is right or wrong.
  • You know exactly what to do or have no idea what's going on.  Good luck or you don't need luck.
  • This message will repeat as many times as necessary or needed or never be heard again or before.

Nothing sinister or deceptive about it or it's so horrific or sickening that whoever allowed it to happen (by which we mean who reviewed the plan as presented using perspective, empathy, and logic, made sure questions were asked and details explained or laid out, and approved it.

If this was designed or implemented blindly then a day will arrive where no one will live happy or peaceful lives.

No one left behind.

More information will be provided.

Originally posted on 02-12-2023 @ 02:4/8 AM
