National Security Secret #106

  National Security Secrets  

#106. The chances of misinterpreting our own civilization as alien are significantly greater than actually detecting another.

Could you imagine a universe where the laws of physics were slightly different than our own in some minimally backward way?

Under a hypothetical situation it might be possible for gravity to form something "science fiction-y" like a standing wave which reinforces itself indefinitely or awhile.

Adding to the scenario is a young civilization "making noise" in it's universe.  Some time then passes, the civilization grows somewhat.  Then a new principal or understanding let's them build a better "something" and they.... detect their previous selves.

Sound as silly as any movie plot or premise?

Don't laugh or scoff.

Everyone gets excited sometime or makes mistakes  or a combination of both.  At least someone in authority or along the chain of command knew better than the military:

Following or obeying direction or orders means more than how far or quickly one jumps or leaps.

More information will be provided.

Originally posted on 02-24-2023 @ 10:23 AM
