National Security Secret #102

   National Security Secrets  

#102. The FBI will or won't take or accept blame or responsibility for increasing crime or homelessness whether on a local, state, or federal level.

Are television, social media, or online news dirty words to them?  That means two things, of course.

Pardon our French while we generalize a timeline:

  1. Accusations of overreaching or turning a blind eye.
  2. Inability to get in touch or refusal to respond when needed or to those in need.
  3. Charges of corruption or laziness beginning or ending at the top or bottom which work or follow their way up or down.
  4. Action in the form of more power granted to law enforcement or investigative agencies.
  5. Forced rehabilitation of the homeless.  It's already been stated an opinion of one major news agency that "homeless is a choice".  They chose wrong so they must be corrected.
  6. The end of remote or "working from home" for any individual who can't prove their worth.
Enjoying how this goes?

The significant and measurable drops in worker productivity correlate with the shift from actual office to home work AND the increasing number of homeless.

Who hasn't noticed?

At best, each and every individual will be required to prove their worth or sanity for permission or authorization to continue as such.

More information will be provided.

Originally posted on 02-17-2023 @ 02:13 PM
