National Security Secret #80

   National Security Secrets    

#80. Nearly any explosive device can be boosted up towards "atomic bomb" class just by confining the explosion in a way which creates a standing wave - resonant or not.

You're familiar with the difficulty keeping a hydrogen balloon filled and floating? 

It's not the balloon's fault.

Hydrogen gas will escape from nearly any container given enough time.

Wait...  You thought our nuclear arsenal had a few missiles tipped with "hydrogen bombs"?

How funny and expensive that would be.

Here's something you may wish to be aware of:
  • Supercomputers are important to "atomic bombs":
    • There are many times more supercomputers in existence than nuclear weapons - that's been the case for decades.
    • Question:  How many supercomputers does it take to model an explosive device?
  • Virtually every new supercomputer - when announced - had the bullet point "modeling the nations aging nuclear stockpile" listed:
    • Question:  If a single supercomputer can model the collision believed to have created the earth and moon...  How many supercomputers are needed to model a simple explosive device consisting of:
      1. A fancy container that can be made of almost anything but probably just metal and/or plastic.
      2. A super hi-tech and space age material (aluminum foil works) used to line the container and reflect the explosion back towards the center.
      3. A large firecracker placed inside to get things started.
      4. One or more elements which may or may not be "radioactive" but are added to "increase the yield".
Both questions are rhetorical.

Iran's government (rulers) are gonna be absolutely furious or embarrassed once they try detonating their first nuke.  That's assuming they're ever given that chance.

Here's a secret:
  • Make the firecracker out of whatever you want.
  • Line the container with one or more foils made of dense metals.
  • Each metal foil will reflect the explosion back toward the center of the device at different velocities and densities.
  • More layers means more potential times the explosion will be reflected back so more time for a standing wave to form.
Guess what happens next?

Do you know what matter is made of right down to the quark itself?

I suggest it's time to learn or find out.  Please note the use of the word "lemniscate".  Ignore everything else - the information is not that important:
You're now good to go.

During the "competition" between the United States and Soviet Union to build more powerful bombs, some scientists voiced a concern about creating a device too powerful.

It may or may not have necessarily been the earth they were worried about.

More information will be provided:

  • Specifically, a more precise description of an alleged "atomic bomb":
    • A key detail or two presented above is intentionally backwards or glossed over for the usual reasons.
  • Precise enough to allow the irresponsible to construct one in the interest of proving the claims above to be wrong.
  • A bill of materials may or may not be included but should be easily inferred from the description.
  • The construction of such a device is somewhat finicky when done by hand or for the first time.
    • The actual yield may very significantly.
  • Approximate cost to absolutely, definitively, and without a doubt prove this post to be wrong: $100.00
  • DO NOT EVER attempt to prove this post wrong near any populated location.
    • Not even thinking it would somehow be funny and nothing could possibly happen.

Originally posted on 05-10-2022 @ 06:24 PM
