#61. Government officials may or may not be telling the truth on Roswell, crash dummies, and a Tic Tac.
National Security Secrets
[NOTE: The secret below was factually and technically incorrect. It may or may not have been an "angular momentum" drive being tested at Roswell. 2022-06-22 @ 03:57 PM]
#61. Government officials may or may not be telling the truth on Roswell, crash dummies, and a Tic Tac.
But now they won't need to bother.
Everyone with an understanding of how the "Tic Tac" craft works and its simplicity have trouble believing it's still a secret.
It's been rumored that suited officials regularly mumble "figure it out already" during job fairs across the country.
Have our minds become unable to comprehend resonance as a tool to use? Apparently that's exactly what's happened so we pick fights with resonance at every opportunity.
How about giving a secret back to the public? Why order pilots to go on and on about what they encountered? And why oh why present it as something unknown and mysterious?
Gyroscopes have been around for a few years.
Hardly anyone screams and faints the first time seeing one now.
More information will be provided.
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