National Security Secret #49

  National Security Secrets    

#49. Knowing when someone is home or when they turn lights, appliances, or any device with a distinctive electricity consumption pattern on or off... can be done with a cell phone.

There isn't much a cell phone can't do.  Peeping into a person's home this way doesn't require an oscillating signal or oscillating current either.

One of the security features included in wireless electrical meters and wireless gas meters is a layer of encryption to protect the data.  Having that layer supposedly keeps the data out of peepers hand's.

But given the small volume of data and low complexity in sending it, being able to decrypt the signal isn't necessary to infer the data anyway.  For starters, you need a baseline reading of the home or business  electrical consumption (what it uses by default all the time before anything is turned on).  This can also be done without access to a meter using readings over several days or weeks.

After that, activity within the residence or business can be monitored in close to real time by anyone able to duplicate the signal used to tell the meter to relay it's data along with an antenna to detect the signal as it happens.

More information will be provided.

Originally posted on 01-06-2022
