National Security Secret #46

   National Security Secrets    

#46. Physics in the quantum realm - like entanglement and the double slit experiment -  don't make sense until our universe is described as a singularity.

We can also describe our universe as being in a singularity should you have a fondness for shipping containers.

How does dumping all of us and creation like garbage down a bottomless well help?

All points in space within a singularity are the same point - let's say they all touch.  This makes perfect sense out of something we're only now starting to get a grasp on with entanglement.  The connection between entangled particles operates faster than the speed of light.  So much faster it's probably instantaneous and the distance between what's entangled makes no difference.  Being in a singularity accounts for multi-particle entanglement just as easily.  Oh and the math becomes everything we already know - just insert our math when we want to peek inside...  hopefully.

Strangely enough, it might be the density, frequency, and wavelengths of the gravitational waves present at birth which gives rise to the laws and constants for the physics there.

For now, it's all just conjecture (some like to sarcastically say it's "made up" - they're not wrong).

More information will be provided.

Originally posted on 12-16-2021
