National Security Secret #30

  National Security Secrets  

#30. In some circles, Oregon is now referred to with sarcastic "code names" or slang.

They're just misused phrases and only insulting to those they've been borrowed from.

To list a few (all tongue in cheek of course):

  • The Promised Land
  • The Land of Milk and Honey
  • The Great American Honeypot

The last one is more related to which side of what line one does or doesn't step across.  If that seems a little cryptic, here's what Wikipedia mentions on the topic of a honeypot in the computer software area.  

      Wikipedia "Honeypot (computing)"

Be sure to note what the computer software analogy is said to be similar to.

HINT: It's the part that says "This is similar to police sting operations, colloquially known as "baiting" a suspect."

You already guessed that was either the intent or the outcome, right?

Leading citizens on with vague promises that don't make sense is rude.

Does not always being allowed to pump one's own gas equate to not being a citizen?

Time will tell.  It always does.

Originally posted on 10-16-2021
