National Security Secret #26

  National Security Secrets 

#26. 2 oscillating currents with respective orientations that are at perpendicular/right angles to each other can be used to remotely tap on a touch screen like a person would.

Talk about tapping someone to distraction.  No seriously, that's about the only reason for doing this to someone.  Skip the information below to see what type of individual or group would utilize such a harassment technique.

Otherwise, some odd details on what to expect:
  • Doesn't allow for precise control with larger displays having "worse" control and smaller displays having "better" control.
  • Control is typically poor no matter the size of the display.
  • Exerting enough pressure to simulate a finger tap or touch usually means the location is a corner of the display.
  • Works on certain capacitance based displays using a principle of "the person's tap makes them an antenna" which is used to infer the tap 

This is an easy one to protect against.  By layering 2 protective screens with a small air gap between them and covering the entire screen plus bezel, it will put a stop to the 'remote tap'.

It's an inexpensive and effective way to give "the finger" to anyone who takes enjoyment in draining the joy from others.  No need to take any form of revenge though.

Real enjoyment can't be gained or achieved through harming others - it only robs oneself of more joy.


Original post on 10-06-2021
