National Security Secret #18

  National Security Secrets 

#18. There's a reason for so many contradictory conspiracy theories.

And of course, the explanation for it makes this a conspiracy theory too.  Well, it would be if an implicit or explicit statement to that effect was made.  There is none.

While we were all having candy, fruit, and nuts mixed with our ice cream, a decision was made to punish us all while putting us to work.  For those who already have 1 or 2 jobs... you may now be working a third, unpaid.

As a new hire, please be aware there are undefined benefits you'll receive.  They're based on how your unconscious views fairness - not you - which is why they're undefined.  This could mean you benefit because society benefits or it could mean more luck gambling on slot machines.  For those who don't know, those 2 things are directly related to each other.

For communication and coordination between "employees" only the fastest and most advanced form will do.  Which means there is none.  Every individual does the task they choose independently of all other considerations.

So... how are tasks distributed?  Let's list the technologies needed for that:

  • It works with or with cell phones.
  • It works with or without cell towers.
  • It works with or without laptops and computers.
  • It works with or without TVs.
  • It works with or without Bluetooth.
  • It works with or without Wifi.
  • It works with or without Zigbee (probably better without)
  • It works with or without cable.
  • It works with or without fiber.
  • It works with or without a vaccine.
  • More details will be provided.
  • It does require electricity - so that can never be turned off for any reason.
  • It does require oscillating current - but that's virtually invisible to us and long since faded from pubic awareness.

This "with or without" strategy was adopted because of 3 major concerns:
  1. Since those being "Big Brother-ed" are unconsciously a part of their own invasion of privacy, how do you plausibly deny it's happening to the most  aware part of the mind?
    • I'm afraid it's true, "Bro".  If you aren't consciously aware of what's been going on since the start of COVID then you've been helping invade your own privacy for some time.
  2. Because relying on the exact same set of components every time it's turned on or used makes identifying and defending against it much easier.
    • Only 2 examples of it being used is enough for the entire plan to be out in the open.
    • It's impossible to know whether some key piece might be missing at any given location it's wanted.
  3. Everyone's unconscious can then be suggested to choose which technologies it believes are being used in an effort to help us.  When each one may or may not be used it creates a series of impossible choices.
    • Do you know anyone who literally woke up one morning with the unshakeable believe that magnetism/vaccines/5G was a conspiracy?
    • Pick any one or more options to form a new conspiracy.  Which is exactly what has happened.
And now it's possible to see why so many people believe different technologies are involved or not involved in a given conspiracy. 

They both know or don't know the complete design.
Don't let any of that drive a wedge between generations though.

That's just what "they" want to happen.

Originally published on 9-17-2021
